Thursday, February 10, 2011

Music Meme (Day 19) - A Song From My Favorite Album

Picking the song for this one is a snap. Choosing my favorite album. Not so much. I've heard  myself say that this is my favorite, but I can't really describe what makes it so. Two* of the ten songs on this 1992 album are, in my humble opinion, two of this artist's best. I've never come across anyone else singling them out though. What is it about this particular album that stands out among the 24 studio, live, and compilation albums this genius has done? I wish I had the words to give it the praise I believe it deserves. I don't. I will just name the artist, album, and song. I played the hell out of the CD in my vehicle. It survived and was ripped onto my PC in 2005. From my favorite album, Lucky Town, by my favorite artist, Bruce Springsteen, one of my favorite songs of his, Souls of the Departed

Souls of the Departed
Lyrics by Bruce Springsteen

On the road to Basra stood young Lieutenant Jimmy Bly
Detailed to go through the clothes of the soldiers who died
At night in dreams he sees their souls rise
Like dark geese into the Oklahoma skies

Well this is a prayer for the souls of the departed
Those who've gone and left their babies brokenhearted
This is a prayer for the souls of the departed

Now Raphael Rodriguez was just seven years old
Shot down in a schoolyard by some East Compton Cholos
His mamma cried "My beautiful boy is dead"
In the hills the self-made men just sighed and shook their heads

This is a prayer for the souls of the departed
Those who've gone and left their babies brokenhearted
Young lives over before they got started
This is a prayer for the souls of the departed

Tonight as I tuck my own son in bed
All I can think of is what if it would've been him instead
I want to build me a wall so high nothing can burn it down
Right here on my own piece of dirty ground

Now I ply my trade in the land of king dollar
Where you get paid and your silence passes as honor
And all the hatred and dirty little lies
Been written off the books and into decent men's eyes
* BTW, the other song I LOVE from this album is The Big Muddy (lyrics).  

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