Monday, March 30, 2009
My "Twilight" Zone
I wasn't in so much of a bubble that I hadn't heard of the Twilight books or the movie. I rarely go to the theater. When I do it's with my husband and usually to see the latest Harry Potter movie.
Twilight was released to DVD on March 21. I told my husband that I wanted to see it so he rented it at the local video store for me. On Sunday, my house-all-to-myself day, I watched it for the first time. I think because I had not read the book(s) or any reviews of either the books or movie, I didn't have any true expectations. For this I am so R-E-L-I-E-V-E-D!
I can't put into words my immediate and overwhelming fixation with the movie (I'll get to the books in a bit); but promptly after watching it I downloaded the Twilight soundtrack from iTunes. On Monday, my husband bought Twilight on eBook for me. On Wednesday I got the other 3 eBooks. I've been scouring the Internet for all things (positive) Twilight since.
In one week I've watched the movie 9 times, the special features 3 times, read all four books, and have the soundtrack playing nearly non-stop! I've got the movie, soundtrack, and all 4 books on my iPod so I can escape into my own "Twilight Zone" almost anytime I want. *sighs*
I didn't think Robert Pattinson was any cuter than the rest of the young cast members in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He was attractive but so young and definitely not SPARKLING! As Edward Cullen though...oh my! He is quite stare-worthy. At this point in time I have not become overly critical of the movie. There are definitely issues with continuity, script, and bland performances, but I still LOVE IT!
Believe me when I say that something like this has NEVER happened to me before. I talked to my oldest sister on Friday and told her of my Twilight obsession. She said something like, "If it makes you happy, then what's the harm?" and "You've been so serious all your life; you should have fun with this now." I'm old enough to be Bella's grandmother! What really counts is that I'm not old enough to be Edward's grandmother. Not technically. So, I'm going to allow myself to be majorly crushing on that gorgeous, smoldering, sparkling character. *swoons*
I ordered Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion from Amazon and it is due to be delivered tomorrow! I can hardly wait! This is the first movie I've watched that I feel compelled to purchase merchandise for.
My husband has watched it twice and gave it four stars. So, he likes it, but he likes LOTS of movies. My daughter saw it on Saturday (after my husband and I both issued caution regarding Bella's behavior with Edward). She LOVES the soundtrack and enjoyed the movie, but she's not obsessed LIKE HER MOTHER IS! It's almost embarrassing. I'm not going to admonish myself for this because I think I do deserve this little bit of Twilight happiness.
There is a quote, that is one of my favorites:
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." — Maya Angelou
I've learned that Twilight has made me feel youthful and giddy. That swooning feeling ain't bad either!
Re: the books. Sci-fi/fantasy are definitely not my favorite genres, but I was able to concentrate on the human characteristics rather than the whole vampire thing. Twilight is my favorite by far. I rated the books as follows:
Twilight (5 stars - Loved it!)—Bella and Edward meet. We are along for the amazing ride!
New Moon (4 stars - Really liked it)—The absence of Edward was deeply felt. :(
Eclipse (4 stars - Really liked it)—Exciting? Yes. Don't understand the whole Jacob detour.
Breaking Dawn (3 stars - Liked it)—I would have appreciated it much more had it continued only from Bella's point of view and featured less detail about Renesmee and the visiting vampires.
Okay, so there it is. My confession. I won't apologize and I only ask that you be kind. I have a deep seated fear that any negative vibes I get will extinguish MY (Twi) light.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Doggy Keywords
I'm a doggy talker, are you? You know, one of THOSE people who talk to their dogs—a lot! If you do, then your dogs probably have KEYWORDS. Those words, when heard in the midst of lots of other words get their attention.
I've been thinking about Lizzie's keywords a lot these days. The longer you and your dog are together, the more specific words spark their interest.
Of course, changing your tone to a doggy friendly one can assist you in identifying your dogs keywords.
With Lizzie it goes something like this...
"I was thinking about going for a WALK, does Lizzie wanna go for a WALK?" Head tilts, eyes open wide, ears are alert, and then she takes off for the door.
I figure she probably hears, "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah WALK blah Lizzie blah blah blah blah WALK!"
Same goes for RIDE, BISCUIT, GOODY, TREAT, GO and a few others.
I also noticed how well she knows her "new" name. She was Ginny for almost 5 years and has only been Lizzie for 9 months. Talking to dogs has its rewards, especially when they respond to their keywords so adorably.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Family Research News for 17 Mar 2009
Latest Discoveries and Acquisitions
- Death certificate for Dr. Herman Clark KENYON
- Death certificate for Blanche (GULLIFORD) KENYON
- WWII Enlistment Data for Richard Harrison WASHBURN
- George Edward LITTLE
- William O. PARMENTER
- Josiah William PARMENTER
- Herman Clark KENYON
- William O. PARMENTER
- Harriet Matilda (HILL) PARMENTER
- Josiah William PARMENTER
- Received the death certificate for Richard WASHBURN
- Received gravemarker photographs for Richard WASHBURN
- Requested a copy of the obituary for Charles HILL from Akron-Summit County Public Library
- Updated several Find A Grave memorials at Green Mountain Cemetery (Colorado)
- Added two Find A Grave memorial pages to Mt. Olivet Cemetery (Colorado)
- Added one Find A Grave memorial page to Eastlawn Cemetery (Ohio)
- Updated several Find A Grave memorials at Mt. Olivet Cemetery (Illinois)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Surname Wordle
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Family Research News for 04 Mar 2009
I received four newspaper items for my great-grandaunt, Hattie (HILL) MUSCH, from the Medina County District Library. She died in 1945, which put her one year beyond Ancestry's Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 database. I was unable to locate her death certificate in Family Search Lab's Ohio Deaths 1908 - 1953 database after many attempts and every search criteria I could think of. The Ohio Historical Society recently made it possible to purchase death certificates for the years 1909 - 1912 and from 1945 - 1953 through their online store. Their Ohio Death Certificate Index currently covers the years 1913 - 1944. I ordered the certificate on February 27 and received notice that it was shipped the next day.
Latest Discoveries and Acquisitions
- WWI Draft Record for Antone Costa Lindo
- Received several Washburn and Little documents from a cousin in England.
- Agnes Anne Lloyd
- Alfred Sydney Lloyd
- Ellen Lloyd
- Marshall Burns Lloyd
- Margaretta Ephesia Lloyd
- William Jamieson
- Charlana Washburn
- Rosanna Washburn
- Joseph Washburn
- Harriet Washburn
- Mary Washburn
- Judy Washburn
- Susan Washburn
- Joao Germano Carvalho
- Maria das Merces de Mattos
- Maria Augusta Carvalho
- Manuel Carvalho
- Joseph Carvalho
- Carolina Carvalho
- John Carvalho Jr.
- Marian Carvalho
- Antone Carvalho
- Sarah (Carvalho) Sylvester
- Antone Costa Lindo
- Paul Costa Lindo
- Harold Costa Lindo
- Ordered a court record for Richard Harrison Washburn from the Colorado State Archives.
- Ordered a death certificate for Hattie (Hill) Musch from the Ohio Historical Society.
- Added Hattie (Hill) Musch to the Spring Grove Cemetery at Find A Grave.