Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lizzie in the Snow - Round One (Video)

The first snow in almost two years and the first since adopting Lizzie. It appears she likes the stuff!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lizzie Go Lightly


Having a couch potato (“spud puppy”) for a companion is rather nice when you’re sick and can’t do all that much. I have been dealing with a nasty case of bronchitis for many weeks, and Miss Lizzie has been most excellent company for me. What did she gain from all of her excellent skills? I’ll tell you—4-1/2 pounds and a urinary tract infection. The poor girl!

She is finished with the treatment for her UTI. Clavamox for 11 days and DL-methionine (urinary acidifier) for 14. Dosing her with her meds was E-A-S-Y. Clavamox in a spoonful of soynut butter…YUM! Urinary acidifier in a salmon flavored pill pocket…double YUM! Gone, lickety split, and she wanted more please (she is very polite.) Twice a day wasn’t enough as far as she was concerned. She LOVED getting her pills.

The other issue. Ahem, the slight weight gain, well, that’s been addressed with a change in diet (from adult to lite) and resuming our morning walks. Hopefully, we’ll both be feeling a little lighter before too long.

We took her on another long trip and sleepover at the beginning of the month. She handled it even better than the previous two in July and November. I think the main reason is that she was the only dog in the house for the majority of our stay. What a good girl, Lizzie!