Friday, July 5, 2024

More of My Favorite Re-readable Romances

I'm genuinely curious, if you are a reader are you also a re-reader? I've been both since I was a young child. For myself, it all began with my total commitment to the fictional lives of Alec Ramsay and The Black in the Black Stallion books by Walter Farley. There was no way a single reading could suffice. I sought out the wondrous feelings I experienced within their pages by revisiting those stories over and over until I finally got my own horse(s). Once that life-altering event happened, I mostly left behind fictional reading for reference reading as my chosen fields required I be a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. 

I remained a casual fiction reader until 1992 when I got my first taste of romantic fiction. Oh, I read other genres and continue to, but with the introduction of the romance genre came the insatiable desire to reconnect with my favorite characters, their indelible chemistry, their captivating lives, and know that their stories all end happily. I don't know how many books I've read more than once but it's substantial. I have almost all of those re-readable favorites in Kindle and Audible formats. When possible, I have also acquired the trade paperbacks, preferably signed by the author, but even when not.  

This entry is a follow-up to My Top Twenty-One All-Time Favorite Romance Reads post from August 2021. These books (listed alphabetically by author's last name) are supplemental to that list of favorites, as I have felt keenly compelled to reread them several times.

Soul Deep (I-Team 6.5) by Pamela Clare. Kindle & Audible.

Soul Deep is a 210-page (5 hours and 39 minutes audiobook) third person novella in the suspenseful I-Team series by former investigative reporter and newspaper editor, Pamela Clare. It has become a favorite reread of mine for several reasons, including the tropes: age gap (mature couple), enemies to lovers, scarred character, forced proximity (snowed in), and small town (large ranch). The hero, Jack West, is a 63-year-old widower and father of a grown son. His impressive Colorado mountain horse and cattle ranch makes for a captivating setting. The heroine, 45-year-old Janet Kileen, is an FBI agent who didn't exactly get along with the normally gracious Jack the first time they met. While not a true second chance romance, they end up with a second chance to become "deeply" acquainted when Janet is rescued from a snow drift and is forced to stay at Jack's ranch throughout a blizzard. Jack and Janet are recurring characters in the I-Team series and Janet suffered a life-altering injury in the previous book (Striking Distance). There is a dangerous threat on the ranch that adds mystery and intrigue, while the passages featuring hospitality, conversation, and physical intimacy warm my soul. In addition, there are HORSES! The entire arc of the story is much more fulfilling than the majority of novellas I have read and the conclusion is beautifully emotional. I've enjoyed reading and listening to this book as both the author and narrator (Kaleo Griffith) are exceptionally talented. I also found the author's dedication to be admirable and worth sharing. "This book is dedicated to all the women—and men—who know that the human desire for romance, love, and sexual passion has nothing to do with age."

Don't Kiss the Bride by Carian Cole. Kindle & Audible.

Don't Kiss the Bride is a 518-page (13 hours and 28 minutes audiobook) dual point of view standalone. It is an age gap, marriage of convenience, and slow-burn romance with 18-year-old high school student Skylar Timmons and 34-year-old construction worker Jude "Lucky" Lucketti. One of the reasons I appreciate this particular age gap romance is that even though there is a 16-year age difference Jude and Skylar have a significant number of things in common, as Skylar is an "old soul." Carian Cole wrote Jude as an exceptional average guy, which means that besides his long hair and tattoos, he's a regular kinda guy. Not wealthy, not flashy, and not a superhero. However, he is a decent and respectful hardworking man with honorable white knight tendencies. And then there is Skylar, who even though she is mature, intelligent, courageous, and goal-oriented, has a hideous home life and serious health issues. Jude's awareness and eagerness to help her leads to their marriage of convenience so that Skylar can have health insurance and a decent home. There are numerous real-life issues represented in this sweet, slightly tragic, emotional story and I "read" them all up! It is a fully rewarding experience whether read or listened to.

Books 1, 2, & 3 of the Quantum Series by Marie Force. Kindle, Audible, & Paperback.

Virtuous, Valorous, and Victorious are books 1, 2, and 3 in the 8-book Quantum series by Marie Force. Even though I have enjoyed all eight books, these first three are my go-to favorites by far. These three books feature the romantic arc of a single couple: Natalie Bryant and Flynn Godfrey. After several years and numerous rereads I still feel they deserved three books. (The remaining books feature one couple per book with cameos from the other couples.) For many years after I began reading romance, I avoided stories featuring Hollywood types (mainly actors). I'm not clear as to why, but at some point, I started trying them and found a number of them I truly enjoyed. These are three of those books, as Flynn Godfrey is a world-renowned second-generation actor. Where the character of Flynn brings fame, wealth, and other, rather, um, salacious elements to the books, Natalie grounds the story with her simple, quiet, and pure nature. Their introduction is an ideal example of a meet-cute brought about by Natalie's ancient little dog biting Flynn. He is immediately taken with Natalie, and she is gobsmacked by the appearance of the famous Flynn Godfrey during her walk. He pursues her with determination, but Natalie is beyond hesitant to even go out on a date with Flynn and thereby begins Flynn's dazzling courtship of Natalie, and we are along for the swoony ride. The road to their happily ever after is rocky though—particularly after the brutal event in Natalie's history is disclosed—but Flynn does everything possible to alleviate Natalie's distress. His actions more than prove his affection, respect, empathy, and ultimately love for Natalie. She learns that she can trust Flynn wholeheartedly, and their relationship's progression makes for giddy reader feelings. The narrators' performances are inspiring in the next-level quality of the audiobooks, as well.  

Blood and Sand (Elemental World 2) by Elizabeth Hunter. Kindle, Audible, & Paperback.

Blood and Sand is a 309-page (11 hours and 52 minutes audiobook) third person paranormal suspense in the Elemental World series by Elizabeth Hunter. I honestly believe I am missing whatever component it is that induces the love of fantasy in readers. For the most part, I don't connect with paranormal stories enough to read without much scoffing and eye-rolling. However, I've found something about Elizabeth Hunter's otherworldly writing that inspires me to levels of story investment like no other author to date. Her Elemental Mysteries books were the only paranormal books in my top twenty-one all-time favorites but there is something about Blood and Sand that stirs my blood! Baojia and Natalie's story is full of suspense, danger, excitement, humor, sarcasm, and sizzle! For being a water vampire, Baojia is smokin' hot! Natalie is a journalist driven to uncover the culprits in a string of murders. It's also partially set in my hometown of San Diego....YES! Baojia has a fascinating human story and is a fierce warrior of a vampire, but the positive human traits he retained make him an excellent preternatural hero.

Jacked (Trent Brothers 1) by Tina Reber. Kindle, Audible, & Paperback.

Jacked is a 495-page (18 hours and 33 minutes audiobook) dual point of view romantic suspense in the Trent Brothers series. Romantic suspense is my top trope in the romance genre and Jacked by Tina Reber is a crackerjack of a story. Every time I read (or listen) to Jacked, I'm impressed with how authentic feeling it is. Every description, bit of dialogue, and scene feels genuine. Whether to do with Adam’s career, Erin’s career, or their attraction and chemistry (emotional and physical), it all feels 100% authentic. I have never felt a hint of the unbelievable or that-would-never-happen or that’s ridiculous. It is 100% realistic fantasy escapism with smarts and soul!

Black Hills by Nora Roberts. Kindle & Paperback.

Black Hills is a 545-page third person standalone romantic suspense by Nora Roberts. It remains one of Nora's most popular suspense books for a reason. It was in consideration, along with three other books by Nora, for my all-time top twenty-one favorites list. The character interaction and dialogue are top-notch, as usual. I was enthralled with the story and captivated by the people. Cooper, Lil, their friends, and their family are all amazing characters! Chapter 11 had some of the most witty and delightful female banter I've ever read. Lil and Tansy are the truest of friends. Their relationship is the best. This is one of my go-to rereads.

The All-in Duet by Alessandra Torre. Kindle & Audible.

The All-in Duet (Even Money and Double Down) is a 544-page romantic suspense series (14  hours and 25 minutes combined total for both audiobooks) by Alessandra Torre. When I first read and finished Even Money, I was engrossed until that gasp-inducing cliffhanger. I was instantly relieved knowing I had Double Down available to start immediately. This series had me constantly on edge, anxious, conjecturing, and indecisive about my feelings toward the main characters, Dario Capece and Bell Hartley. The fast-paced story was kept intriguing by multiple nefarious happenings: adultery, rape, kidnapping, organized crime, murder, and human trafficking. Amid all this chaos and corruption was the unexpected and risky relationship between Dario and Bell. Sheesh, these two stirred up a heap of trouble with their mutual attraction and affair. Even with all the morally black and gray doings, my time within this dark story is always so satisfying!

The Bourbon Kings Series by J.R. Ward. Kindle, Audible, & Hardcover.

The Bourbon Kings trilogy by J.R. Ward is a series I first read via my library’s digital collection. I  purchased the audiobooks (because, gimme!), but I wanted to be able to reread them anytime. Hence, the acquisition of these pristine used hardcover editions.

I am not, nor have I ever been, a fan of soap opera-style stories. I have no tolerance for greedy, whiny, entitled people (characters). I detest much of what is done in the name of building businesses and perpetuating traditions that in all good conscience should become obsolete. Oh, and don’t get me started about detrimental alcohol consumption, or adultery, or any of the other despicable things these Bradfords/Baldwines, et al. do. Even with all those nasty bits, I devoured this series and remain poised to perpetually reread. (Ah, the joys of reading well-written fiction!) The little glimpses into genuine empathy and concern saved it, I think. The respect and love Lane exhibits toward Miss Aurora and Lizzie and vice versa shine a much-needed positive light on this otherwise bleak family.

This series is addictive, dramatic, complex, clever, and during several scenes, extremely poignant…and I love it!

The Reapers MC Series by Joanna Wylde. Kindle, Audible, & Paperback.

I guess I had to have one series featuring men of dubious character; and truthfully, these Reaper MC dudes are_the_worst! They do all the bad stuff, including not always treating their women respectfully. Since we're talking fictional jerks, I can read about their shenanigans, be appalled, and still be entertained. And entertained I am! I've read and listened to this series so many times; and each time, I scold them and curse them but keep on reading. I've read other MC books, and so far the Reapers are the most, um, intense. They do have some honor, and they are loyal to each other. Occasionally they are even downright loving to their women too. The few positive qualities they present make reading this series a helluva fun ride!


Honorable Mentions (I enjoy them enough to have read them at least three times) 

Tasha Boyd
Eversea and Forever Jack (Butler Cove 1 & 2)

Cara McKenna
Lay It Down & Give It All (Desert Dogs 1 & 2) 

Beverly Preston
Lucy Score 
Kylie Scott 
Lick, Play, Lead, & Deep (Stage Dive Series)
Dirty, Twist, & Chaser (Dive Bar Series)

Have you read any of these books? What makes certain books re-readable to you? I'd love to know your thoughts. Thanks!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Between the Pages - Books I Read in 2023

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”   
Dr. Seuss
To all the authors whose stories entertained me this year, and especially those who wrote my favorites below, you've earned my highest esteem, gratitude, and adoration. Thank you!

As I haven't discovered a better way of expressing the following, I shall repeat what I said in previous years...

The books I select as my favorites each year are those that: I get lost in; the ones that while reading, I lose all track of time; the ones that evoke the strongest emotions; the ones that make me laugh, cry, blush, gasp, and sigh. Yeah, those books!

Each year I meticulously review my database and online shelves to select my favorites. Even though I arbitrarily decide upon the categories, I am careful in considering which books deserve each designation.

Sadly, no matter how much I love a book, I am unable to recall details. In other words, although my devotion is clear, my memory is not. I would, indeed, like to attempt to explain my choices to anyone who may be interested.

In 2023, I did a great deal of re-reading favorites, which left me with less newly published books to consider for my favorites. As far as genres go, I read 4 non-fiction, 5 general or literary fiction, 39 contemporary mystery/suspense/thrillers, and 4 historical fiction. The remaining 175 were different sub-genres of romance.

There are several books that were published this year that I wanted to read but was unable to, some of which were published late in the year. (Thanks to a dear friend who gifted me with two new releases that I was on long library hold lists for, I was able to read Inheritance and Resurrection Walk this year. Both made my favorites of the year! So, thank you sweet "C"!) I may have to make an exception for some of them and include them in a future list, just as I made an exception this year for one "Special Mention" book that was first published in 2022.

I'll be starting out 2024 with about 180 books on my to-be-read shelves—Kindle and Audible—and the 25+ books on my library wish list. I will again set my StoryGraph Reading Challenge goal at 200 books.

My 2023 Stats

My StoryGraph Challenge total was 227 (first reads and rereads of single titles) - My 2023 StoryGraph Wrap-Up
My database total was 173 (first reads of individual formats only)

(Note: I receive no monetary compensation. I only wish to show my appreciation. The book links below open up to the corresponding Webpages on or
My Favorites Published in 2023
(alphabetical by author)

Single Titles
The Lovely Return by Carian Cole
Resurrection Walk (Mickey Haller #7) by Michael Connelly
State of Denial (First Family #5) by Marie Force
The Missus (Mister & Missus #2) by E.L. James (review)
Something Unexpected by Vi Keeland 
True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren
Play of Shadows (Dr. Evan Wilding #3) by Barbara Nickless
The Brood (Calamity Montana #6) by Devney Perry
Inheritance (Lost Bride Trilogy #1) by Nora Roberts
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer 
Bad Mother by Mia Sheridan
In the Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros
Special Mention
Pen Pal by J.T. Geissinger (indie published in 2022 & republished traditionally in 2023) (review)

Series Titles (two or more installments published within 2023)
The Law of Opposites Attract Series (The Rules of Dating My Best Friend's Sister & The Rules of Dating My One-Night Stand) by Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland

Favorites by Category


Favorite Contemporary Fiction - The Wishing Game by Meg Schaffer
Favorite Suspense/Thriller - Resurrection Walk (Mickey Haller #7) by Michael Connelly
Favorite Contemporary Romance - The Lovely Return by Carian Cole
Favorite Romantic Suspense - State of Denial (First Family #5) by Marie Force
Favorite Military Romance - In the Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros
Favorite Paranormal Romance - Inheritance (Lost Bride Trilogy #1) by Nora Roberts
Favorite Romantic Series - Cherry Tree Harbor Series by Melanie Harlow
Favorite Audiobook - (tie) Play of Shadows (Dr. Evan Wilding #3) by Barbara Nickless. Narrated by Tim Campbell AND Fall Into You (Morally Gray #2) by J.T. Geissinger. Narrated by Troy Duran, Jacob Morgan, Connor Crais, Vanessa Moyen, and Angelina Rocca.

Romance Tropes

Favorite Age Gap Romance - The Lovely Return by Carian Cole
Favorite Enemies to Lovers Romance - Things We Left Behind (Knockemout #3) by Lucy Score
Favorite Forced/Close Proximity Romance - The Brood (Calamity Montana #6) by Devney Perry
Favorite Friends to Lovers Romance - The Lovely Return by Carian Cole
Favorite Grumpy/Sunshine Romance - The Brood (Calamity Montana #6) by Devney Perry
Favorite Second Chance Romance - The Lovely Return by Carian Cole
Favorite Small Town Romance - Crimson River (The Edens #5) by Devney Perry
Favorite Workplace Romance - Fall Into You (Morally Gray Series #2) by J.T. Geissinger


Favorite Character Repartee - Something Unexpected by Vi Keeland
Favorite Romantic Couple - Samantha Holland and Nick Cappuano from State of Denial by Marie Force
Biggest Flirt - Beckham Cross from Something Unexpected by Vi Keeland
Favorite Alpha Male - Aidan Leighrite from Pen Pal by J.T. Geissinger
Favorite Romantic Hero - Devin Buckley from Make-Believe Match (Cherry Tree Harbor #3) by Melanie Harlow
Favorite Antihero - Cole McCord from Fall Into You (Morally Gray #2) by J.T. Geissinger
Most Tormented Hero - Alex Fox from The Lovely Return by Carian Cole
Most Heroic Hero - Vance Sutter from Crimson River (The Edens #5) by Devney Perry
Favorite Romantic Heroine - Alexandra "Lexy" McIntyre from Make-Believe Match (Cherry Tree Harbor #3) by Melanie Harlow
Most "Kick-Ass" Heroine - Samantha "Sam" Holland from State of Denial (First Family #5) by Marie Force

Most Taboo Dark - Pen Pal by J.T. Geissinger
Most Heartrending - The Lovely Return by Carian Cole
Most Humorous - Runaway Love (Cherry Tree Harbor #1) by Melanie Harlow
Most Luscious - The Missus (Mister & Missus #2) by E.L. James
Most Realistic Romance - The Brood (Calamity Montana #6) by Devney Perry
Most Erotic - Pen Pal by J.T. Geissinger
Most Surprising Plot Twist - Pen Pal by J.T. Geissinger
Most Devastating Blow Delivered - Bad Mother by Mia Sheridan

Most Pleasant Surprise - The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer
Most Striking Cover - The Missus (Mister & Missus #2) by E.L. James
Book Bundle I Read in 2023

Since my book database counts a multi-book bundle as a single book, the following is a list of the individual books from within the book bundle I read this year. The remainder of my 2023 database total reads follows. 

The Sin Series - Boxset by Aleatha Romig
White Ribbon (#.5) 06/07/2023 (6 out of 10 stars)
Red Sin (#1) 06/08/2023 (10 out of 10 stars)
Green Envy (#2) 06/09/2023 (9 out of 10 stars)
Gold Lust (#3) 06/09/2023 (9 out of 10 stars)
Black Knight (#4) 06/10/2023 (10 out of 10 stars)

Most Anticipated Books of 2024
The Trail of Lost Hearts by Tracey Garvis Graves 
The Women by Kristin Hannah
Crossroads (Haven River Ranch #1) by Devney Perry
Mind Games by Nora Roberts 
The Mirror (Lost Bride Trilogy #2) by Nora Roberts
Individual First Time Reads of 2023
(The (a) following a book's title designates an audiobook and a (p) denotes the paperback or signed paperback (*p) of a book that I previously read via Kindle. The table is best viewed in landscape mode on mobile devices.) 

Book List

Author Title Publication Year Reading Date My Rating
Bailey, Tessa It Happened One Summer (a) 2021 1/16/2023 10
Bailey, Tessa Hook, Line, and Sinker (a) 2022 1/18/2023 9
Biller, Diana Hotel of Secrets 2023 6/7/2023 7
Bowen, Rhys; Broyles, Clare All That Is Hidden 2023 3/26/2023 8
Bowen, Rhys; Broyles, Clare All That is Hidden (a) 2023 8/28/2023 7
Bowen, Sarina A Little Too Late 2022 9/4/2023 5
Brown, Sandra Overkill (a) 2022 1/21/2023 9
Brown, Sandra Out of Nowhere 2023 8/23/2023 7
Byrne, Kerrigan ; St. Aubin, Cynthia Nevermore Bookstore 2023 10/7/2023 6
Byrne, Kerrigan ; St. Aubin, Cynthia Brewbies 2023 10/9/2023 5
Carmen, Christa The Daughters of Block Island 2023 11/25/2023 8
Cate, Sara Highest Bidder 2023 3/26/2023 8
Christy, Samantha Unlikely Date 2022 2/16/2023 7
Christy, Samantha Unfinished Ex 2022 2/22/2023 7
Christy, Samantha Untaken Twin 2022 3/5/2023 8
Christy, Samantha No Small Bet 2023 3/6/2023 8
Christy, Samantha No Easy Dare 2023 11/13/2023 10
Christy, Samantha No Simple Lie 2023 11/21/2023 10
Christy, Samantha Igniting Ivy 2019 3/7/2023 10
Christy, Samantha Sparking Sara 2019 3/8/2023 9
Christy, Samantha Engulfing Emma 2019 3/9/2023 7
Cole, Carian The Lovely Return 2023 12/4/2023 10
Connelly, Michael The Black Echo (a) 2020 1/27/2023 8
Connelly, Michael Resurrection Walk 2023 12/10/2023 10
Cooper, Anderson; Howe, Katherine Astor 2023 9/25/2023 7
Day, Sylvia So Close 2023 4/12/2023 6
Day, Sylvia Too Far 2023 10/26/2023 6
Dick, R.A. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir 2014 5/8/2023 6
Force, Marie State of Affairs (a) 2021 9/1/2023 10
Force, Marie State of Grace (a) 2022 9/2/2023 10
Force, Marie State of the Union (a) 2022 9/3/2023 10
Force, Marie State of Shock (a) 2022 9/4/2023 10
Force, Marie State of Denial 2023 10/16/2023 10
Force, Marie Light After Dark 2016 12/29/2023 8
Force, Marie Gansett Island Episode 1: Victoria & Shannon 2017 12/20/2023 8
Force, Marie Gansett Island Episode 2: Kevin & Chelsea 2017 12/20/2023 8
Force, Marie Mine After Dark 2018 12/19/2023 8
Force, Marie Yours After Dark 2018 12/19/2023 8
Force, Marie Trouble After Dark 2019 12/22/2023 8
Force, Marie Rescue After Dark 2020 12/25/2023 8
Force, Marie Virtuous (*p) 2015 6/24/2023 10
Force, Marie Valorous (*p) 2015 6/25/2023 10
Force, Marie Victorious (*p) 2015 6/26/2023 10
Force, Marie Someone to Hold 2022 1/2/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene Fool's Puzzle 1995 7/31/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene Irish Chain 1996 8/2/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene Kansas Troubles 1997 8/4/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene Goose in the Pond 1998 8/6/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene Dove in the Window 1999 8/8/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene Mariner's Compass 2000 8/9/2023 10
Fowler, Earlene Seven Sisters 2001 8/11/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene Arkansas Traveler 2001 8/14/2023 6
Fowler, Earlene Steps to the Altar 2003 8/14/2023 10
Fowler, Earlene Sunshine and Shadow (a) 2008 8/15/2023 7
Fowler, Earlene Broken Dishes (a) 2011 8/17/2023 7
Fowler, Earlene Delectable Mountains (a) 2012 8/17/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene Tumbling Blocks 2008 8/17/2023 8
Fowler, Earlene State Fair 2010 8/19/2023 6
Garmus, Bonnie Lessons in Chemistry 2022 9/22/2023 7
Geissinger, J.T. Liars Like Us 2023 5/26/2023 10
Geissinger, J.T. Liars Like Us (a) 2023 8/23/2023 9
Geissinger, J.T. Fall Into You 2023 10/4/2023 10
Geissinger, J.T. Fall Into You (a) 2023 12/14/2023 10
Geissinger, J.T. Pen Pal 2022 5/26/2023 10
Geissinger, J.T. Ruthless Creatures 2021 5/28/2023 9
Geissinger, J.T. Carnal Urges 2021 5/29/2023 7
Geissinger, J.T. Savage Hearts 2023 12/6/2023 8
Geissinger, J.T. Brutal Vows 2023 12/13/2023 8
Geissinger, J.T. Wicked Beautiful 2016 12/17/2023 7
Grafton, Sue Kinsey and Me: Stories 2013 7/12/2023 7
Halle, Karina A Ship of Bones and Teeth 2023 6/16/2023 Defies rating
Harlow, Melanie Drive Me Wild (*p) 2020 5/3/2023 10
Harlow, Melanie Runaway Love (a) 2023 5/20/2023 9
Harlow, Melanie Runaway Love 2023 5/8/2023 10
Harlow, Melanie Hideaway Heart 2023 8/22/2023 8
Harlow, Melanie Make-Believe Match (a) 2023 12/15/2023 10
Harlow, Melanie Make-Believe Match 2023 11/26/2023 10
Harlow, Melanie Ignite (*p) 2021 4/3/2023 10
Harlow, Melanie Tempt (a) 2023 3/16/2023 7
Harms, Kelly Wherever the Wind Takes Us 2022 3/13/2023 5
Henry, Emily Book Lovers (a) 2022 8/30/2023 9
Hunter, Elizabeth Dust Born 2023 11/7/2023 7
Hunter, Elizabeth Bishop's Flight 2023 10/20/2023 6
Hunter, Elizabeth Fangs, Frost, and Folios 2023 12/5/2023 8
Hunter, Elizabeth Blood and Sand (*p) 2013 1/20/2023 10
Hunter, Elizabeth A Ghost in the Glamour 2017 1/3/2023 6
Hunter, Elizabeth A Bogie in the Boat 2018 1/3/2023 8
Hunting, Helena Kiss My Cupcake 2020 5/25/2023 6
James, E.L. Fifty Shades of Grey (p) 2015 5/28/2023 10
James, E.L. Fifty Shades Darker (p) 2017 4/29/2023 10
James, E.L. Fifty Shades Freed (p) 2018 4/30/2023 10
James, E.L. Grey (p) 2015 5/19/2023 10
James, E.L. Darker (p) 2017 5/21/2023 10
James, E.L. Freed (p) 2021 5/23/2023 10
James, E.L. The Missus 2023 7/6/2023 10
Jordan, Skye Hot Blooded 2023 5/10/2023 5
Keeland, Vi The Game 2023 1/23/2023 8
Keeland, Vi Something Unexpected 2023 7/7/2023 10
Kiernan, Denise The Last Castle 2017 5/19/2023 6
Kubica, Mary Local Woman Missing 2021 1/16/2023 8
Lauren Christina Dating You / Hating You (*p) 2017 10/24/2023 10
Lauren, Christina Something Wilder (a) 2022 9/16/2023 8
Lauren, Christina True Love Experiment 2023 5/18/2023 10
Lea, Amy Exes and O's 2023 3/4/2023 6
Lynn, Cherrie Rock Me (p) 2017 12/30/2023 10
Malpas, Jodi Ellen The Brit 2021 3/16/2023 7
Malpas, Jodi Ellen The Enigma 2021 3/23/2023 6
Malpas, Jodi Ellen The Resurrection 2022 4/15/2023 6
Malpas, Jodi Ellen The Rising 2023 4/27/2023 4
McIntire, Emily Hooked (a) 2022 9/11/2023 6
Mirren, Lilly The Island 2022 1/7/2023 8
Mirren, Lilly The Beach Cottage 2022 1/7/2023 8
Mirren, Lilly The Blue Shoal Inn 2022 1/8/2023 8
Mirren, Lilly Island Weddings 2023 1/10/2023 8
Moskowitz, Isa Chandra; Romero, Terry Hope Vegan Pie in the Sky 2011 10/3/2023 6
Nickless, Barbara Dark of Night (a) 2022 1/8/2023 8
Nickless, Barbara Play of Shadows 2023 11/18/2023 10
Nickless, Barbara Play of Shadows (a) 2023 12/1/2023 10
Nickless, Barbara Ambush (a) 2019 1/13/2023 6
Nickless, Barbara Gone to Darkness (a) 2020 11/9/2023 8
Perry, Devney The Brawl (a) 2022 1/9/2023 10
Perry, Devney The Brood 2023 9/8/2023 10
Perry, Devney The Brood (a) 2023 11/3/2023 10
Perry, Devney Garnet Flats (a) 2022 11/30/2023 8
Perry, Devney Jasper Vale 2023 2/6/2023 8
Perry, Devney Crimson River 2023 6/17/2023 10
Perry, Devney Sable Peak 2023 12/9/2023 9
Perry, Devney Timeless 2022 2/8/2023 6
Perry, Devney The Dandelion Diary 2023 7/16/2023 7
Perry, Devney Quarter Miles (a) 2020 8/1/2023 8
Perry, Devney Coach 2023 4/9/2023 7
Porizkova, Paulina No Filter 2022 1/6/2023 8
Reber, Tina Jacked (*p) 2014 4/16/2023 10
Reichs, Kathy The Bone Hacker 2023 8/24/2023 8
Reiss, C.D. Crowne Jewel 2023 7/10/2023 5
Robb, J.D. Naked in Death (a) 2008 3/27/2023 8
Robb, J.D. Glory in Death (a) 2008 3/28/2023 8
Robb, J.D. Immortal in Death (a) 2008 3/29/2023 8
Robb, J.D. Rapture in Death (a) 2008 3/30/2023 7
Robb, J.D. Ceremony in Death (a) 2008 4/24/2023 8
Robb, J.D. Vengeance in Death (a) 2008 7/4/2023 8
Roberts, Nora Identity 2023 7/3/2023 7
Roberts, Nora Inheritance 2023 11/29/2023 10
Roberts, Nora Nightwork (a) 2022 9/7/2023 8
Roberts, Nora Whiskey Beach (*p) 2023 9/11/2023 10
Romig, Aleatha Silver Lining 2022 6/13/2023 6
Romig, Aleatha The Sin Series: Box Set 2023 6/10/2023 10
Romig, Aleatha White Ribbon 2021 6/7/2023 6
Score, Lucy The Worst Best Man 2018 3/18/2023 8
Score, Lucy No More Secrets 2019 4/3/2023 7
Score, Lucy Fall Into Temptation 2019 5/12/2023 7
Score, Lucy The Last Second Chance 2019 6/4/2023 5
Score, Lucy By a Thread (*p) 2020 5/1/2023 10
Score, Lucy Things We Never Got Over (*p) 2022 7/15/2023 10
Score, Lucy Things We Hide from the Light (a) 2023 7/30/2023 8
Score, Lucy Things We Hide from the Light 2023 3/1/2023 8
Score, Lucy Things We Left Behind 2023 9/6/2023 10
Score, Lucy Maggie Moves On (a) 2022 3/12/2023 10
Scott, Emma Between Hello and Goodbye (a) 2023 3/2/2023 9
Scott, Kylie End of Story 2023 5/16/2023 8
Scott, Kylie The Rhythm Method 2021 6/4/2023 7
Shaffer, Meg The Wishing Game 2023 9/1/2023 10
Sheridan, Mia All the Little Raindrops 2023 11/11/2023 9
Sheridan, Mia Bad Mother 2023 4/5/2023 10
Sheridan, Mia Bad Mother (a) 2023 7/15/2023 8
Torre, A.R. A Familiar Stranger 2022 7/29/2023 7
Ward, Penelope Stepbrother Dearest (a) 2015 11/16/2023 5
Ward, Penelope Toe the Line 2023 3/11/2023 7
Ward, Penelope; Keeland, Vi The Rules of Dating (a) 2022 1/24/2023 8
Ward, Penelope; Keeland, Vi The Rules of Dating My Best Friend's Sister 2023 11/21/2023 10
Ward, Penelope; Keeland, Vi The Rules of Dating My-One Night Stand 2023 11/22/2023 10
Yarros, Rebecca In the Likely Event 2023 9/12/2023 10
Young, Samantha Beyond the Thistles 2023 5/7/2023 7

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