Sunday, January 23, 2011

Music Meme (Day 4) - A Song That Makes Me Sad

For my "sad song" I didn't need to search for a list or delve into the dark recesses of my mind to find a song that makes me sad. No, fresh in my memory is a familiar song heard on a video I watched just two days ago on Oprah. The video was beautifully done by a husband for his wife's birthday.  He is fighting cancer. Between the video segment on Oprah introducing this family's struggles and watching the video he made for his wife...I was crying my eyes out.  The song, Marry Me, happens to be by Train, who also performs my "happy song" from yesterday. Both songs are from their album, Save Me, San Francisco, which I've had since it was released in October 2009. It is a touching song, but certainly for awhile, at least, I will associate it with Kristian and Rachel and their fight to remain together. Guh! I'm crying now just thinking about it. 

* I found Kristian's blog while searching for the video. It is embedded on this entry: Days that matter.

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