Saturday, April 9, 2011

Vegan Dessert: Mexican Chocolate Snickerdoodles

Mexican Chocolate Snickerdoodles
My family and I consider regular Snickerdoodles one of our favorite cookies. To "spice" things up a bit I decided to try this recipe from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. Once I mentioned "cayenne" as one of the ingredients my husband and daughter both made faces.  Once I assured them I would go light on that "hot" spice they relaxed a bit.  Once they tasted one my husband paid "his" ultimate compliment, "Well, this doesn't suck!"  My daughter said, "This is really good!  It's making my throat tingle a little bit."  Crinkly chocolate goodness with a little zing and topped with cinnamon and sugar.  Mmm, mmm.

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