Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Book Review: Complete Me by J. Kenner

Title: Complete Me
Series: Stark Trilogy #3
Author: J. Kenner
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Published: 07/30/2013
Publisher: Bantam
Genre(s): Contemporary Erotic Romance


For fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You comes the third novel in the erotic, fast-paced trilogy including Release Me and Claim Me. This sexy, emotionally charged romance continues the story of Damien Stark, the powerful multimillionaire who’s never had to take “no” for an answer, and Nikki Fairchild, the Southern belle who only says “yes” on her own terms.

Our desire runs deep. But our secrets cut close.

Beautiful, strong, and commanding, Damien Stark fills a void in me that no other man can touch. His fierce cravings push me beyond the brink of bliss—and unleash a wild passion that utterly consumes us both.

Yet beneath his need for dominance, he carries the wounds of a painful past. Haunted by a legacy of dark secrets and broken trust, he seeks release in our shared ecstasy, the heat between us burning stronger each day.

Our attraction is undeniable, our obsession inevitable. Yet not even Damien can run from his ghosts, or shield us from the dangers yet to come.


Warning: spoiler-y fangirling contained herein!

*HEAVILY sighs*...*sniffs*...

So, that's all she (Julie Kenner) wrote. Damien and Nikki's story is complete! NONONONONO! I mean the ending was positively ("Yes") scrumptious, but I have come to care for Damien and Nikki more than, do I dare say it, Christian and Ana?! >:O We're going to miss them, aren't we? *more sniffing* GAH!

Ah, I do believe that Damien Stark has the singularly most sensuous "voice" I've ever read. What makes him so...swoon-worthy? Is it the way he speaks to Nikki? (rapidly nodding my head)
“You’re the one person in all the world I cannot bear to hurt, and yet I’m the one who put fear in your eyes.”
And then there was...
“You’re what gives me strength. If I am what centers you, Nikki, then you are what anchors me. Every time I touch you, every time I bury myself deep inside you— Nikki, don’t you see? You are the talisman of my life, and if I lose my grip on you, then I have lost myself.”
Honestly, there were so many hot, sexy, and even sweet passages they could fill a book. *facepalm* DOH! They did fill the book! ;)

Is it the great gifts he gives her? Not all bazillionaires give the perfect gift every time, but Damien does. (uh huh, uh huh)

Could it be what he does to her? Or, maybe it's what he does for her? I'd say it's more like he recognizes what she wants him to do to her and what she needs him to do for her.

Well, his sexy notes sure don't hurt...
"Tonight I’ll show you just how much a woman with her own business turns me on. Until then, imagine me, touching you. —D" *dreamy sigh*
Damien and Nikki are two highly functional, emotionally damaged characters, but dammit, they are good for each other. They sizzle and spark, but I'll say it again (mentioned it in my review for Claim Me) their flirtatious interchanges!

Not only was Complete Me erotic with touches of sexy humor, but it was also quite suspenseful. There were several mysteries to be solved, and there was that devastating separation. Thaaaat killed me! <\3 (<------brokenhearted)

Ahh, but when Nikki found Damien. Oh GAWD! Then they... ('}{') <---kissed and ...YOU know how they are! SSSSSST!

Then, Damien, he says AND does the exactly perfect thing...
“There’s only one woman in the world who can bring me to my knees. So tell me, Ms. Fairchild. Will you do me the greatest honor? Will you be my wife?”
And, then there's that "YES" that made their story so epically freaking perfect!

I am going to miss them, but I also know each time I revisit them all those feelings I had the first time will not have diminished. Julie Kenner, I LOVE YOU for writing these two characters. Thank you for every single word!

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