Thursday, April 19, 2012

Book Review: The Witness by Nora Roberts

Title: The Witness
Series: Standalone
Author: Nora Roberts
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Published: 04/17/2012
Publisher: Berkley
Genre(s): Romantic Suspense


Daughter of a cold, controlling mother and an anonymous donor, studious, obedient Elizabeth Fitch finally let loose one night, drinking too much at a nightclub and allowing a strange man’s seductive Russian accent to lure her to a house on Lake Shore Drive.

Twelve years later, the woman now known as Abigail Lowery lives alone on the outskirts of a small town in the Ozarks. A freelance security systems programmer, her own protection is supplemented by a fierce dog and an assortment of firearms. She keeps to herself, saying little, revealing nothing. Unfortunately, that seems to be the quickest way to get attention in a tiny southern town.

The mystery of Abigail Lowery and her sharp mind, secretive nature, and unromantic viewpoints intrigues local police chief Brooks Gleason, on both a personal and professional level. And while he suspects that Abigail needs protection from something, Gleason is accustomed to two-bit troublemakers, not the powerful and dangerous men who are about to have him in their sights.

And Abigail Lowery, who has built a life based on security and self-control, is at risk of losing both.

Five stars are grossly insufficient. Best. Nora. Ever. (Her 200th book!) At this moment having just finished The Witness I'd go so far as to say...Best. Read. Ever. I felt every worthy emotion that can be attributed to time spent within the pages of a book. A book that had everything I look for within it. I don't even care if that makes sense. Best beginning. Best middle. Best possible ending. I feel great empathy, respect, and joy for the characters, Abigail (Elizabeth) and Brooks. I marveled at how wonderfully Nora crafted Elizabeth's tale. Whereby she showed us how this brilliant, literal (reminds me some of Temperance Brennan in the Fox show, Bones), and resourceful girl went from simply staying alive to trusting someone so much she learned how to live. The character introduction and development is fascinating. The curiosity that drives Brooks to seek out Abigail is understandable. Her discomfort in all social situations is palpable, sad, and offers great insight into her strong ability to design a life far exceeding the coldly clinical upbringing she was subjected to. Her gradual acceptance of Brooks and her eventual love for him makes complete sense. His patience, kindness, honesty, and understanding allows Abigail to remain true to herself while he introduces her to a life of more. More "every day" possibilities - of friendships and family and sharing and love. Ah, yes, he's very special! I've said it many times—Nora writes the best dialogue! Her skills in creating the back-and-forth dynamic conversations between all of her characters blows me away! What they say. The timing. The appreciative vibrations ring through me as I read it. Abigail's literal thinking and Brooks' casual conversation style makes for consistently delicious repartee. They are simply and utterly an enchanting couple!

The description of Abigail's computer skills came across satisfactorily—enough detail to be impressive but not enough to sound ridiculous. The strategic planning and execution leading to the "takedown" of the Volkovs and their minions was extremely clever. The "getaway" that Abigail devised was dramatic and efficient. The epilogue was as good as it gets in a happily-ever-after ending. Oh, and I adored Abigail and Brooks ever so much more for the way they spoke to Bert. I totally "get" people who talk to their dogs. *purely & joyfully happy*

1 comment:

Eesti said...

I liked this book much better than the last few Nora Roberts books. It was predictable but enjoyable. I liked the intelligent heroine and enjoyed that she was able to take care of herself. I also liked that the hero respected the heroine's strengths.