Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Book Review: The Kingdom by Amanda Stevens

Title: The Kingdom
Series: Graveyard Queen #2
Author: Amanda Stevens
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Published: 03/27/2012
Publisher: Mira
Genre(s): Fantasy, Paranormal Romance


Deep in the shadowy foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains lies a dying town…

My name is Amelia Gray. They call me The Graveyard Queen. I've been commissioned to restore an old cemetery in Asher Falls, South Carolina, but I'm coming to think I have another purpose here.

Why is there a cemetery at the bottom of Bell Lake? Why am I drawn time and again to a hidden grave I've discovered in the woods? Something is eating away at the soul of this town—this withering kingdom—and it will only be restored if I can uncover the truth.


I found The Kingdom reasonably compelling but felt the supernatural element was overwhelming. I would rather have been guided through the uncovering of the family secrets more and through the demoniac countryside less.

The first book in this series, The Restorer, was extraordinary! I shall remain optimistic about the third, The Prophet, which is expected later this month.

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