Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vegan Dessert: Mocha Stripe Cookies

Mocha Stripes

 These cookies have fueled the most interest of any I've made. Could that be because they are made with coffee and chocolate? Yep! The first time I made them my husband (who hates coffee!) came into the kitchen while talking on the phone. I tried to warn him not to eat one, but I wasn't fast enough. When off the phone he asked me, "What's wrong with these cookies?" Hah! That'll teach him not to snag a cookie before asking what's in them? They hadn't even cooled enough to add the chocolate. Everyone else who has tried them delights in the combination, even my daughter who is not allowed to drink coffee yet.

From The 100 Best Vegan Baking Recipes by Kris Holechek.

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