Friday, December 25, 2009

My Wish Come True - A Family History Blessing

Many years ago I heard a rumor through the family grapevine. I was told that my cousin, Vivian Vera (MARTIN) KUBO, had a photograph of John CARVALHO (her grandfather and my 2nd great-grandfather), and that that photograph was probably the only one of him in existence. I asked for a copy, no, I begged for a copy. More than once. The years passed...

Then yesterday, Christmas Eve, a miracle! A Christmas card from Vivian. The envelope not sealed! Inside was a lovely greeting and the photograph of John, but it's not only of John. His wife, Maria, is also in the photograph. Hallelujah! I am blessed. I am so thankful to Vivian for sharing this precious memory.  

I give you my 2nd great-grandparents, João Germano CARVALHO and Maria das Mercês de MATTOS at their Kainehe Homestead (near Kukaiau Ranch) on the Island of Hawaii in the late 1920's...

(click to see larger BEFORE image)

(click to see larger AFTER image)

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