Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Family Research News for 18 Feb 2009


After a prolonged genealogical dry spell (no Ancestry subscription for well over a year.) I am back in the swing of things and thrilled (doing the Genealogy Happy Dance) over some of the family history I've uncovered in the last several days at Ancestry and Family Search Labs.

New Finds and Acquisitions

  • The marriage certificate for Julia Agnes KANE and Charles William ODELL.
  • The birth certificate for Vivian Mary ODELL.
  • The WWI Draft Card and death certificate for Charles William ODELL.
  • The death certificate for Harry Harrison WASHBURN.
  • A passenger flight manifest, indexed marriage and death information for Delbert (Albert) Warren LONG.
  • A second cousin (living) and her mother on a ship's passenger list from Southampton to New York City in 1947.
  • The year of death and burial information for George E. HILL.
  • Census information and images for a number of people.
Requests and Queries
  • I've ordered a death certificate, requested a grave marker photograph, and inquired about a court case all pertaining to Richard Harrison WASHBURN.
  • I requested the obituary for Raymond A. HILL.
  • I posted a query regarding Anthony DeCOSTA on the Ancestry Message Board for Portugal.
  • I posted a query regarding the HILL Family on the Ancestry Message Board for Medina, Ohio.
Recent Contributions
  • I uploaded more documents and photographs to Footnote and contributed to several Person Pages.
  • I submitted marriage information on several of my HILL ancestors to the Ohio USGenWeb Archives for Medina County.

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